Ferry Pag (Prizna-Zigljen)

Ferry lines to island Pag (Prizna – Zigljen) 2023
Ferry operator: Jadrolinija
Contact phone: +385 53 88 96 00
Line: 335
Sailing duration: 15 min

Timetable – schedule 01.01. – 01.06. & 02.10. – 31.12.

Departures from Prizna Departures from Zigljen
0:01** 0:30*
5:45* 6:30**
7:15** 8:30
9:15 10:00
10:45 12:30
13:30 15:00
15:45 17:30
18:15 19:00
20:00 20:30
22:00 22:30***

* does not operate on Sundays and holidays
** does not sail 01.01., 25.12. and 26.12.
*** does not sail 24.12., 25.12. and 31.12.

Timetable – schedule 02.06. – 29.06. & 04.09. – 01.10.

Departures from Prizna Departures from Zigljen
0:01 5:00
5:45 6:30
7:15 8:30
9:15 10:00
10:45 11:30
12:15 13:00
13:45 14:30
15:15 16:00
16:45 17:30
18:15 19:00
19:45 20:30
22:00 22:30

Timetable – schedule 30.06. – 03.09.

Departures from Prizna Departures from Zigljen
0:01 5:00
5:45 6:30
7:15 8:30
9:15 10:00
10:45 11:30
12:15 13:00
13:45 14:30
15:15 16:00
16:45 17:30
18:15 19:00
19:45 20:30
21:15 22:00
22:30 23:00

In most frequent days in July and August, extra lines are added to avoid traffic jams

Check instantly information about fares for the ferry to Pag (Prizna-Zigljen)